Return and Refund

Handling Damages and Issues

Upon receiving your order, please inspect the items immediately. If you encounter any defects, damage, or errors, contact us without delay so we can assess the situation and correct it.

Non-Returnable Merchandise

The following items are not eligible for return:

  • Perishable goods such as food, flowers, or plants
  • Custom-made products like special orders or personalized items
  • Personal care products, including beauty items
  • Hazardous substances, flammable liquids, or gases

For inquiries or concerns about specific items, please reach out to us.

Final Sale Items

All sales are final for discounted items and gift cards; these cannot be returned.

Process for Exchanges

To exchange an item, please initiate a return for the item you currently have. After we accept the return, you may then place a new order for the item you want.

Refund Procedure

We will inform you once we have received and inspected your returned item. If your refund is approved, it will be processed to your original payment method within 10 business days. Please note that your bank or credit card company may need additional time to process and post the refund.

If you have not received your refund after 15 business days from the approval date, please get in touch with us for further assistance.